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SPDTC Nose Work Trial Volunteer Form
Volunteers are key to making nose work trials possible. There are many different volunteer positions - each one is important to make a trial run smoothly. Thank you in advance for your interest in volunteering your time!

Date:  June 5 & 6, 2021
Location: Lakeville, MN  Ames Arena
Contact: Volunteer coordinator Jean Braun,

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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
What are you entered for this trial? *
Your availability *
Volunteer positions you are willing to work *
Would you be interested in helping in the score room?
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Do you have a canopy we can use for the trial?
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Do you have a vehicle we can use for the NW1 trial (vehicle must be order free for 30 days prior to the trial)? Please indicate vehicle type.
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If you have any questions or comments, please enter them here.
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