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SAPCC Garage Sale - September 6th & 7th
The St. Anthony Park Community Council is coordinating a community sale weekend from Friday, September 6th to Saturday, September 7th. If you would like to be included in our map, please fill out the SAPCC Community Sale Form with your information and registration fee by August 30th.

We will be promoting this effort in our Newsletter, Facebook, and posting flyers at some local establishments, directing people to find the map on our website:
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Email *
Contact Name
Name of Sale
We will include this on our sale map. Weekend marketing-types can feel free to be creative, otherwise we can just use your address!
Address of Sale
Needs to be a specific address, you can add additional location details at the end of the form.
Dates *
Which days will you be participating?
When will you be open each day? (doesn't have to be the same every day, but please be very clear)
Brief Description
This will be included in the map as well, but not required. i.e: "Baby clothes, toys, records, miscellaneous household items. Interesting trades considered."
Additional Details/Questions/Comments *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your sale? (Location in alley, west side of apt building, etc)
I understand that my address and sale description will be shared with the public. *
We won't share your name or email address unless it's included in the sale name you provided.
By submitting this form, I understand that a registration fee to cover promotional and administrative costs is required. I will submit my payment by August 30th.
Would you like to sign-up for any of the following SAPCC communications? *
Check all that apply. You may request to be removed from mailing lists at any time. You don't need to select anything if you're already signed up or aren't interested.
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