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Tri-Valley Muslim Community Refugee Response Team
MCC East Bay & SRVIC are partnering to resettle significantly more refugees now, and we'll need our community to help welcome them.

Please fill out this form and we'll be in touch with volunteer opportunities to support newly arriving refugees. We ask that group members have a car and commit to a minimum period of 3-6 months.

Volunteers will work with case leads with tasks such as signing up refugees for their social services benefits, helping register children for school, providing ESL language support, and other related needs.

Please also consider to the MCC Zakat Fund at

This fund goes towards helping needy families such as refugees, single mothers, and others in the community who are in desperate need of help. Your donation will help provide the basis of everyday life to those in our community who need it most.

Questions? Aminah Abdullah at
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Email *
Full Name *
City of Residence *
Cell phone number *
Frequency of Availability - please be honest so we don't over burden anyone *
What languages do you speak? *
How are you interested in helping? *
Are you interested in mentoring a family? (This is a 3-6 month commitment helping one family with all their needs, a 2-3 hour a week commitment). *
Are you vaccinated against COVID-19? *
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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