Co-Secretary (1 Vacant Position for the 2024-2025 School Year)
This position is a two-year term. The responsibilities of this role include:
-Record, transcribe and distribute the minutes of all PTO/PTCO and Board meetings.
-Maintain and keep current a copy of the Bylaws.
-Handle all incoming and outgoing correspondence and general communication with the PTO membership, school faculty and community as needed by the PTO/PTCO using the online request forms on the PTO Website.
-Maintain a current listing of the Board and the Committee Chairpersons.
-Provide a copy of the Board listing, including contact information (Name, Address, Phone and E-Mail Address of each) to the CCSD Parents’ Council upon election.
-Maintain the PTO Executive board calendar.
-Maintain and publish the PTO Meeting dates in compliance with Article VII.