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Gaming Cxmmunity Student Ambassadors
This form is the application to become a "Gaming Cxmmunity Student Ambassador" at your college/university.

Our non-profit is asked by corporate companies like Comcast, 2K, and 100 Thieves to recruit high-quality students for jobs, internships, and scholarship opportunities. 
Cxmmunity's mission is to build the gaming and esports workforce pipelines with diverse representation. 

In this role you will be the liaison between the Cxmmunity team and your college/university for gaming/esports activations and announcements of scholarship, internship, and job opportunities. You will ensure the programs and events Cxmmunity has to offer are properly shared on your campus; coordinating photo, video, and testimonial opportunities when we are on your campus. 

This is a paid opportunity for current HBCU students! 
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Full Name *
Current College/University? *
Student Email (.edu) *
What is your major? *
Current Classification? *
IG handle
Twitter handle
Tik Tok handle
Facebook URL 
How many followers do you have per social site? *
Do you have a preferred esport or video game?  *
Do you have any experience as an ambassador for another brand? *
What is your gaming experience? *
Why should you be a Cxmmunity Ambassador?  *
Can provide a link to a video if you choose to answer this in a video format!

Do you match our values as a company?
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