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BFF From Here to There
This is an interest sheet for volunteers to assist with serving at Christiana Middle School.
Our ask is that you consider serving 1 worship experience per month.
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Which ministry would you like to serve? This would be 1 Sunday per month
Set-up and Breakdown team (You will be responsible for arrive before service and staying after service to setup and breakdown outside signage, inside signage, NextGen area, and connection table. The set up should take 30 minutes.)
NextGen Check In Team (You will work at sign in table to welcome parents as they sign in their children)
NextGen (Walkers - 3 years) (Serve as a teacher or teacher aide)
NextGen (4 - 6 years) (Serve as a teacher or teacher aide)
NextGen (7 - 11 years old) (Serve as a teacher or teacher aide)
Middle School (Serve on team as a teacher, greeter, or classroom aide)
High School (Serve on team as a teacher, greeter, or classroom aide)
Connect Team (Serve at Connection Table to gather information from First Time Attendees, answer questions from attendees, and collect Connection Cards)
Greeters (Serve by standing in hallways and welcoming attendees as they arrive and greeting them as they depart from service. Also available to answer questions and given direction to attendees while they are in the building.)
Service reps (Serve inside the auditorium to direct guests to their seats, answer questions of attendees, and help maintain order in sanctuary)
Media (Serve by operating ProPresenter during worship services. You will be presenting slides that contain words for the songs and sermons)
Parking Lot (Serve by direct traffic to appropriate parking and greeting attendees as they arrive and depart the campus)
Prayer Team (Serve as a part of the team that provides prayer to individuals in response to sermon, during the week as prayer requests are sent in, and attend monthly prayer meetings held by prayer team.)
Online Ministry Team (serve as a chat host during services being streamed online, in person host to talk on stream before and after each streamed service)
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