Planetside 2 Test Server: Incentivizing Players
A quick poll for people who play Planetside 2, in regards to whether or not they would play on the test server.
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How many hours have you logged on the test server *
How many hours have you logged on PS2's regular servers?
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Would you play more on the test server if you were compensated for your time?
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Would you play more on the test server if events were regularly scheduled?
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Do you watch FNO?
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Were you present for any of the lattice stress tests (If you were not playing PS2 at the time of the stress tests, then please do not respond)
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What type of rewards would you prefer for playing on the test server? (Please Select the one you most prefer)
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Would you play on the test during periods that the regular servers are down?
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Would you play on the test if there were double XP weekends on the test (That were not on the Live Servers)
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How many characters do you have on the Test server?
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Do you want to preserve your test server characters? (If you don't play on the PTS, please do not respond to this question)
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Would you be interested in transfering XP from your Test character to your Live Character for a price?
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Is there anything you would like to add?
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