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Ghana Association of Hamilton 2023 Christmas Gala Ticket Order Form
Join us with the company of your family and friends for our annual Christmas gala celebration on Friday December 1st 2023 at Michelangelos Banquet Hall, Hamilton.

Pricing: Adults - $80 and Children 3-10 - $25 For ticket purchases via e-transfer, please send your payment to

As you complete this form, please also specify if you have any food allergies and your seating requests for seating chart.
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First and Last Name *
Email Address
Phone Number *
How many adult tickets are you purchasing? *
How many youth tickets are you purchasing? *
Do you or your guests have any allergies/dietary restrictions? If so, please specify below *
Are there specific guests you'd like to sit with? Please specify as we will do our best to accommodate your request. *
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