Fix Your Health Nutrition Coaching Questionnaire -  Win a FREE Spot in the Fix Your Health Coaching Program
For a chance to win one of the FREE spots we're giving away in the Fix Your Health Nutrition Coaching, please answer the following questions. (Question number = 10. Completion time = less than 2 minutes.)
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1. What’s your email address? *
(So we can follow up with more details and let you know if you've won).
2. Gender/sex:
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3. How did you first hear about Fix Your Health Coaching? *
4. What about Fixing Your Health gets you most excited? *
 (Choose all that apply).
5. How important is it for you to start eating, moving, and feeling better? *
Not important at all
Extremely important
6. How important is it for you to have someone monitoring your progress, keeping you accountable, and making sure you're consistent? *
Not important at all
Extremely important
7. Do you have someone in your life, right now, who makes sure you're accountable and consistent when it comes to nutrition? *
8. Do you have someone in your life, right now, who makes sure you're accountable and consistent when it comes to your fitness? *
9. Do you have someone in your life, right now, who makes sure you're accountable and consistent when it comes to your personal growth and self-care? *
10. If paying for Fix Your Health Coaching up front was an option, would you be willing to try it? *
One Interesting and Effective Trick for Being Successful. Fix Your Health Coaching isn't for everyone. However, if it's right for you, it can be absolutely life-changing.  That's why, whenever we ask clients why they sign up for Fix Your Health Coaching, a common theme emerges: They all want help committing - and staying accountable - to their decision to improve their health and fitness.  Honestly, it's no fluke they feel this way. Accountability and support are extremely important whenever we try something new, something difficult, or something we’ve failed at in the past.  But how do accountability and success really happen?  Here's How Success Really Happens:  According to the latest psychology research, people are most successful when they commit to something 100%.  They're successful when they go “all-in”. When they don't give themselves psychological “wiggle room” to quit when things get tough.  (And, yes, even though making a significant change is exciting and rewarding, it always gets tough...even if it's just for a little while.)  That’s where most people throw in the towel. Which is a shame. Because there's a well-known trick for getting past this.  The Only "Trick" You Need To Know To Be Successful  According to Harvard Business School, the absolute best "trick" for really commit to a program like Fix Your Health Coaching is to prepay for the program.  (With no possibility of refund... until the very end.)  The idea here is that by paying up front, you “lock yourself in” to make a solid commitment, one that lasts until the end. Because, of course, with coaching services, "the end" is the only appropriate time to evaluate them.
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