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Alumni Update Form
William Bradford Christian School wants to stay in touch with alumni and share the new and exciting things that are happening on campus! Let's stay in touch! 
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Year(s) Attended (if not a graduate) *
Year Graduated
Last Name *
First Name *
Maiden Name (if applicable)
Mailing Address:
Zip code
Phone Number w/Area Code
Best Email *
Would you be willing to be interviewed for the school newsletter?
May we share parts of your story (minus any identifying information) on social media? *
Did you graduate with honors? If so, please choose one.
Please tell us about recent personal accomplishments! College, career, family, volunteer work, continued education, and/or any personal goals met. 
Please share a favorite memory and/or staff member that you rememer from attending WBCS.
Tell us how attending WBCS benefited you and/or helped shaped who you are/what you are doing now.
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