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Hrant Dink Vakfı - Sözlü Tarih Başvuru Formu / Hrant Dink Foundation - Oral History Application Form
One of the strongest desires of the Hrant Dink Foundation has been to create a memory repository of Armenians of Turkey, based on various documents shedding light on oral history records, culture and identity. We have recorded more than 500 in depth interviews and some of them are published in Turkish, English and Armenian by keeping the identity of the interviewee anonymous. This series published by Hrant Dink Foundation Publications aims to recover the traces of the political and cultural memory of Armenians living in Turkey and of the Armenian community. If you’d like to contribute with your family story, just fill out the short form with your contact information or give us a call at +90 212 2403361 - 62. We’ll be in touch!
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İsim (Mülakat yapılacak kişi) / Name (Interviewee) *
Soyisim (Mülakat yapılacak kişi) / Surname (Interviewee)
E-posta / E-mail
Telefon numarası / Phone number
Doğum yılı / Year of birth
Doğum yeri / Place of birth
Yaşadığı yer / Place of residence
Görüşmede paylaşmak istediğiniz konular
(doğduğunuz şehir, yaşadığınız mahalle, okuduğunuz okul gibi) / Your preferred topics for the interview (such as the city you were born in, the neighborhood you live in, the school you attended)
Gizlilik ve Veri Güvenliği Politikası ve Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Uyarınca Aydınlatma Metni'ni okudum, anladım ve onaylıyorum.  6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu uyarınca, aydınlatma metninde belirtilen usul ve esaslar kapsamında kişisel verilerimin Hrant Dink Vakfı tarafından işlenmesine izin veriyorum. / I have read, understood and approved the Clarification Text in accordance with the Privacy and Data Security Policy and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. In accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, I consent to the processing of my personal data by the Hrant Dink Foundation within the scope of the procedures and principles specified in the disclosure text.
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