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DSWC Volunteer Application
Volunteers are highly important to fulfilling the mission to educate, celebrate and support the LGBT community and the larger public on matters of health, sexual and gender diversity, and equity. Volunteers manage our virtual and in-person operations, serve as community group facilitators, represent Colgay Pride and the Debra Smith Wellness Center in the community, staff for regular and special events and more. Volunteers may also be asked to lead certain services. If you are a student in school or college, you can receive community service credits as a volunteer with us.

In order to become a volunteer of Colgay Pride/DWSC, applicants must be 18 years old and complete the following:

* Online volunteer application as shown below
* Attend a half-day volunteer orientation either by Zoom or in-person
* Complete a background check after the volunteer orientation
* Depending on your volunteer role, you may need further training
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
Phone *
Street address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
How did you hear/find out about Colgay Pride/Debra Smith Wellness Center?
Current Occupation
Highest Level of Education *
Sexual Orientation *
Gender identity *
Clear selection
Are you of Latino/Hispanic descent? *
Other identities important to you:
Physical Considerations:
Why do you want to volunteer with us? *
Volunteer Interests *
Other volunteer interests
Skills and expertise *
Please elaborate and share more: *
What languages do you speak or are fluent? *
What days and times are you most available? *
Please check the boxes next to any accommodations that we can provide to make your volunteer experience with us the best possible for you. We are inquiring about limitations, medical accessories and any other information that will be helpful for us to have in order to best assign you a volunteer position and make sure you are safe during the Festival. We are not asking for your specific disability or medical condition.
*If you have a Service Animal, it will be your responsibility to provide the necessary food, treats, etc for them.
Anything else you'd like for us to know?
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