Parents and Guardians,
We would
like to extend an invitation for your student to be involved in Life Choices at
Lincoln High school for the 2024-25 school year. We believe they would
benefit from additional connections, coaching, adult mentoring, and help with
short term and long-term goal setting.
Life Choices Vision: To motivate, educate, and empower students at
Lincoln High School through mentoring them in a positive, practical and
applicable way.
Students we want to reach:
who have attendance issues and aren’t showing up to school.
who are on academic probation and are under a 2.0 GPA.
who need that extra adult/coach in their corner.
with multiple behavior infractions.
who are at risk of falling into the Juvenile Justice System.
When we plan to meet:
Choices will meet during Raider Pride Time or RPT on Thursdays 8:46-9:20 am.
For more information on Life Choices class please contact Liz Gosse at or 715-897-6695