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Mattermost Community Meetup Reimbursement Request Form
Before submitting this form, be sure to read the reimbursement rules.
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Your full name *
Your email address *
Your meet-up's name *
Your meetup's website
Is your meetup group affiliated with or sponsored by any other company or organization? If so, please list them below. *
Your meet-up's focus topic(s) (e.g., Kubernetes, React, security, etc.) *
Your meet-up's format *
The date for which you are requesting a sponsorship *
The time for which you are requesting a sponsorship *
Your meet-up's meeting length *
Your meet-up's location (city, state/region, country) *
How many attendees are you expecting? *
Do you agree to the reimbursement rules list above? *
Choose a reimbursement type: *
What food are you planning to order, and how much (estimated) reimbursement are you requesting? Keep in mind that you are not restricted to just pizza. Please include the currency name (USD, Euro, etc.) *
Are you able to show Mattermost slides (that we will provide) before the meeting and post a picture on social media tagging @Mattermost? *
Are you interested in Mattermost providing a speaker or other content for the meetup? *
Do you have any other questions or feedback?
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