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We are finding ourselves in solemn need to write this petition, having recently discovered the plans to terminate English Literature from Canterbury Christ Church university. While we have been told that this will not affect our own degrees, it will inevitably decrease the level of teaching quality. Whether this is through the teach out, or staff stress (for which we have the utmost sympathy) the quality of our education will dwindle. Most importantly we are writing this because axing literature is morally wrong.

Firstly, it is no secret that the humanities are struggling on a national level. Surely this only enhances the importance of maintaining a strong Literature hub in Christ Church. The quantity of students is certainly troublesome, however the university has a number of programs which could be used to educate sixth formers about the potential employment opportunities out there with an English degree under their belt. Some of us are student ambassadors and know that reaching out to students in the process of choosing university subjects is a great way to attract potential students and eradicate this mentality that STEM is the only way forward. 

Secondly, it would be an insult to the subject if we digressed from the topic of passion. English is a passion. Like any other vocation, it is all consuming and too enjoyable to bear being inaccessible. It gives scope, volume and voices to issues and debates which are as relevant today, as they were hundreds of years ago. Literature is there for humanity to listen to in order to understand and grow. Therefore, by abolishing it from an institution there is no longer that balance. The rate at which the humanities’ are dying out is not only concerning in a selfishly personal way, but also in a terrifyingly political way. Without these essential subjects which teach the invaluable lessons of empathy and debate we find ourselves in a troublingly bleak world of artificial intelligence and middling humanity. 

Finally, we pledge to the university to reconsider. We do not claim to understand the process behind choosing subjects at a university, but we do understand literature, and knowing that students coming after us will not have this opportunity is devastating. Is there not another way in which this university can lean on such a precious subject, support her through outreach and education of schools and the community, teach the invaluable lessons of her history and her future, instead of giving up on one of the boldest most beautiful subjects to date? 

This is where your voice comes in. We ask for you to sign your names and support our fight to keep this iconic subject alive. You can sign anonymously using your initials in the signature box, and every name counts. If you feel for a second that the plight of Literature is beyond your concern, then take a look around and consider how much of our foundations come from words and stories. We breathe literature without even knowing it, so please, vote against this subject homicide! 

Today it is our subject, can you guarantee they won't take yours tomorrow?

Thank you. 

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