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Rooted Homeschool Co-op Interest Form

Welcome, friend! We are so glad you are considering Rooted co-op for your family. In order to understand who we are and if Rooted would be a good fit for your family, you must attend one pre-orientation meeting or visitor day. This meeting is to help you understand the commitment you are making to the community before registration. Registration will be held at a later date. 

Our next Visitor Day will be held during co-op on Dec. 2. Please fill out this form completely to ensure we are able to keep you informed with any upcoming pre-orientation or visitor days.

We will meet in Roy, UT.  

Rooted in Him,

The Rooted Leadership Team

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Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Kids' Names and 2024/25 Grade Level *
Are you interested in teaching a class? Check all that apply. *
If yes, what class(es) are you interested in teaching and for what age group?
Comments or Questions?
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