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πŸ’Ό What is your business?Β 
πŸ“ˆ What are your biggest marketing challenges?Β 
🌐 What's the URL for your current blog, news, or content site? 
🎯 What are your top three goals for your site or blog? 
πŸ‘₯ What 3 words best describe your site's main audience?Β 
πŸ’­ What do you want your audience to do after reading your content?Β 
πŸ“š Can you provide 1-2 links that exemplifies the type of content you prefer and explain reasons?Β 
🧠 Any topic ideas that you have for the content? 
🚩 Any topics or themes must be avoided? 
⭐️ Any β€œbuzz-words” that are important to you?Β 
πŸ’¬ What type of engagement sounds best to you?Β 
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πŸ’° What are your expectations for the cost of this project?
πŸ“… Please insert your Calendly, LettuceMeet or preferred means of scheduling an initial call.
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