3 Cultures Test
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1. Select the best answer in the column below that describes the correct culture *
Native Americans
None of the cultures
All of the cultures
Had a type of music
Lived in longhouses 
Used cell phones
Had slaves who could own land
Totem poles
Ruled by Kings and Queens that decided people's religion of Christianity
Ate meat from cows, horses, grains, and citrus fruits 
Ate different foods
Had people that never got sick
Traded Gold and Salt
2. Select the best response: During the Colombian Exchange goods and items were exchanged from: *
1 point
3. Choose all that apply: What were the effects of Europeans bringing diseases to Native Americas? *
4. Based on your answer to #4, how did it impact Native American culture? *
Use the map below to answer questions 5-9
5. What continent did Columbus sail from? *
6. Based on your answer to number 5, what is the name of the continent? *
7. What is the name of the ocean labeled B? *
8. Choose all that apply: Pick the three letters of continents involved in the Colombian Exchnage *
9. Name two positives of the Columbian Exchange. *
Use the picture for number ten.
10. Explain how the picture above relates to the Colombian Exchange *
Use the chart below for numbers 11 - 13
11. Mexico's population was about 25 million people in which year? *
12. What was the approximate population of Mexico in 1578? *
13. Based on what we have learned what caused the decrease in the population? *
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