Trading Requirements
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How important is software to you when choosing an exchange? (APIs, leverage, etc) *
Not at all important
Very important
How important is trade execution time to you?
Do you expect sub 10 ms execution speed?
Not at all important
Very important
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How important is it to you that you can trade in your own currency and get money into/out of the exchange at low cost, quickly? *
For example, do you care if you can only trade in USD, or do you want to be able to trade in EUR, GBP, etc
Not at all important
Very Important
How important are advanced order types to you?
OCO, Limit, Market, FoK, etc
Not at all important
Very important
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When choosing an exchange, what is most important to you? *
Would you use a very basic exchange without advanced trading (just limit orders, basic RESTful API)? *
How much do you trade on average in a 30 day period? *
When it comes to new exchanges, what would you like to see?
What is your current exchange of choice, and why?
What sort of fee structure would you like to see?
How important would a rewarding referral program be to you?
Not at all important
Very important
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Would you prefer to trade on a software platform that is tried and tested, or a new platform? *
Regardless of answer it is a new company, however either built in house or specialized high performance, high frequency trading system.
What is more important when choosing an exchange?
Business meaning banking/currencies/marketing/etc, software meaning trading platform, tools, etc
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