Register to present at the faculty teaching fair
The faculty teaching fair will be held 12:00-1:00 p.m., December 5, 2014, in JRC 101.

The Faculty Friday Series is partnering with the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Assessment and Instructional Technologies to host a teaching fair to showcase innovative and effective teaching techniques in use at Grinnell.  If there is a methodology or technology you believe has enriched the learning experience for your students please consider sharing it with your colleagues at the teaching fair.  To participate please fill out this form.  If you have questions about whether your idea is a good fit for the fair please get in touch with David Lopatto, Mark Schneider, or Mike Conner.
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Your name *
Brief description *
A tentative poster title or a short description
Poster easels will be provided. Is there any other equipment you will need us to set up for your presentation?
Check all that apply
Additional information or comments for the organizers
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