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Zagros ventures  "Launch Your Idea"
Welcome to Zagros Ventures' "Launch Your Idea" submission form! We're excited to hear about your innovative startup concepts and help you bring them to life.

Zagros Ventures provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the support and resources they need to turn their ideas into successful ventures. From idea validation to product development and market entry, we offer personalized guidance every step of the way.

Please take a moment to complete the form below, ensuring your responses are precise and clear. Tell us about your startup vision, the problem you're solving, and how your solution stands out in the market. We look forward to reviewing your submission and exploring the possibilities together!
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Launch Your Idea
Full Name: *
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Current City:
LinkedIn Profile (optional):
Website (if applicable):
Background and Experience:
Briefly describe your professional background and experience.
Have you previously participated in a startup weekend or similar entrepreneurship event? If so, please provide details.
Startup Idea:
What is the problem or opportunity you are addressing with your startup idea?
Describe your startup idea in one sentence (elevator pitch).
What inspired you to pursue this idea? *
Market Analysis: 
Who are your target customers? Describe your target market.
What existing solutions or competitors are in this space?
What sets your idea apart from existing solutions? *
Team Formation: 
What skills or expertise do you bring to the table?
What roles or responsibilities are you comfortable taking on within a startup team (e.g., product development, marketing, sales)?
Expectations and Goals: 
What do you hope to achieve by participating in the startup weekend?
What are your goals for your startup idea during the weekend?
Are you open to pivoting or refining your idea based on feedback and collaboration with other participants?
Additional Information: 
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your startup idea?
Do you have any specific dietary requirements or accessibility needs we should be aware of?
Terms and Conditions:
Agree to the terms and conditions of participation in the startup weekend event (e.g., code of conduct, intellectual property rights).
Referral Source:
How did you hear about the startup weekend event?
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