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Ours is a rich cultural heritage that continues to flavour our daily experience. However, the true depth and richness of our heritage is yet to be fully tapped; fully embraced and fully allowed to truly enrich numerous aspects of our lived experience.  The Department of Creative Economy: Cultural Heritage and its partners stand prepared to pursue the safeguarding of our Cultural Heritage and we welcome the contributions of volunteers who share the passion to safeguard and celebrate our Cultural Heritage.  Register here if you are so interested.  
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Telephone Number *
Email Address
School. (if applicable) 
Employer. (if applicable) 
T-Shirt Size
VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCEPlease describe your most recent volunteer service experiences.                        (What did you do, Where, and When?)

SKILLS : Please describe the skills that you would bring to the volunteer programme.

AVAILABILITY: When would you be available to volunteer? Please select all that apply.

Please Specify "Other"

PREFERRED INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE (ICH) DOMAINS:  Please indicate your preferred ICH Domain(s).

Preferred Programming / Activities 

Please indicate the type of programming or activities that you would most be interested in volunteering for by checking the boxes next to your preferred areas. Choose as many as apply.

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