The CCA Crowdfund Investing Country Readiness Survey
In order for crowdfund investing to succeed many variables need to exist and be aligned.  However a country does not need to have every variable in place or 100% of that variable in order for crowdfund investing to succeed. Rate each item on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high).  Use your best judgment.  When complete hit SUBMIT and your report will be instantly emailed to you for FREE.
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For what country are you completing this survey? *
A. Technology – Technology and education are necessary components.
The following 6 questions refer to technology and education in your country.
1. What is the level of Internet and/or mobile smartphone penetration in your country? (1 = low, 10 = high) *
2. What is the most readily available speed of mobile connectivity in urban areas in your country? (1= no connectivity, 4 = 2G connectivity, 7 = 3G connectivity, 10 = 4G connectivity) *
No connectivity
4G connectivity
3. How engaged is the population via social media including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, other local social networks? (1 = very low utilization, 10 = very high utilization) *
Very low utilization
Very high utilization
4. What is the average education level reached in the country? (1 = less than 4 years, 10 = over 12 years of education) *
Less than 4 years
Over 12 years
5. Business skills (accounting, marketing, and so on) are learned? (1 = on the job, 10 = in education or formal training) *
On the job
In education or formal training
6. The banking system uses and supports electronic funds transfers, or are other Internet or mobile-money transaction enabled services available?  (1 = not common, 10 = very common) *
Not common
Very common
 B.    Culture – Does a culture of entrepreneurship exist and is entrepreneurship considered a reputable career path?
The following 11 questions try to understand how culture plays into entrepreneurship in your country.
7. As a career path, how favorably do people view entrepreneurship in your country? (1 = not very favorably, 10 = very favorably) *
Not very favorably
Very favorably
8. In making investments, how risk-tolerant are people in your country?  (1 = people don’t take risks with their investments, 10 = people understand risk and include a small portion of high risk investments as part of their investment strategy/portfolio) *
No risks
High risks
9. How risk-tolerant are people in your country to changing jobs? (1 = people don’t take risks with their careers, 10 = people understand risk and include changing jobs as part of their career advancement strategy) *
No risk
High risk
10. In general, are actions more driven by more individualistic goals or group goals? (1 = people act individually, 10 = people makes decisions based on group dynamics) *
Individual goals
Group goals
11. How would you describe the general level of trust between individuals within the society/culture? (1 = building trusting relationship between individuals takes a great deal of time and experience, 10 = trusting relationships form quickly) *
Takes time to develop
Happens rapidly
12. How much trust do individuals have in the businesses they have relationships with?   (1 = it is unusual for businesses to build trust with their customers, 10 = brands/businesses can build strong bonds of trust) *
No trust with businesses
Strong trust with businesses
13. How much trust is there between individuals and their government? (1 = low levels of trust, 10 = high levels of trust) *
No trust with government
Strong trust with government
14. Incubators/accelerators in my country are actively teaching entrepreneurship? (1 = Incubators/accelerators are physical spaces with no educational programming, 10 = incubators/accelerators are physical spaces with active training curriculum on how to successfully start and grow a business. *
Not true
Very true
15. Entrepreneurship in my country is fostered by the government and/or NGOs? (1 = Not at all, 10 = Very much so) *
Not at all
Very much so
16. People are accustomed to buying and selling goods and services online? (1 = buying and selling online is not common, 10 = buying and selling online is very common) *
Not common
Very common
17. How comfortable are people using online rating mechanisms (for example, the like button, feedback, star ratings, and so on) on websites? (1 = not comfortable using online ratings systems, 10 = very comfortable using online ratings systems) *
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
C.    Regulation – Regulation can both enable and deter entrepreneurship and crowdfunding depending on its structure and scope.
The following 4 questions try to understand the impact of regulation on entrepreneurship.
18. What is the level of regulation/process complexity involved in starting a business today? (1 = very burdensome, 10 = very easy) *
Very burdensome
Very easy
19. What is the level of regulation/process/expense around hiring and firing employees? (1 = very burdensome, 10 = very easy) *
Very burdensome
Very easy
20. What is the level of regulation around going out of business/closing a business? (1 = very burdensome, 10 = very easy) *
Very burdensome
Very easy
21. In evaluating financial regulation, to what degree does investor protection take precedence over the ability of businesses to raise money to start or grow? (1 = government is focused primarily on investor protection, 10 = government is focused primarily on access to capital for businesses) *
Investor protection most impt
Access to capital most important
D.    Capital – The availability of capital is usually one of the most prominent missing elements when attempting to build a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem.  
The last 5 questions try to understand the availability and sources of capital in your country.
22. Financing for start-up is mainly provided by (1 = governments/banks, 10 = friends and family) *
Friends & family
23. Financing for small businesses is mainly provided by (1 = governments/banks, 10 = friends and family) *
Friends & family
24. Banks are active in lending to small businesses and start-ups (1 = yes, 10 = no) *
25. Angel investors are actively making investments in early stage businesses in my country (1 = no, 10 = yes) *
26. Early-stage venture capital funds are actively making investments in startups and small businesses in my country (1 = no, 10 = yes) *
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