Game #101 - July 21, 2024 @ 1:37PM

Form Closes at 1:35pm ET
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Please input your name consistently... no spelling errors!  Do not put /u/ in front of your name. Please also watch out for trailing spaces after your name!
1. Will the total number of runs scored by both teams be over/under 8.5? *
2. Will the first walk of the game have over/under 6.5 pitches? *
3.Will the total number of bases be odd or even?
4. Will an outfielder, pitcher or catcher be charged with an error? *
5. Which question number would like like to DOUBLE DOWN on? *
Note: If you double down on a correct response, you get an additional point.  If you double down on an incorrect response you lose a point. It is not considered a perfect game unless you double down though
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