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Spring 2024 PTO Links to Learning             Teacher Grant Application

The District 103 PTO invites you to complete a grant application if you are interested in pursuing this financial opportunity available to teachers, administrators, and other educators within our district.

DEADLINE: Please submit your completed application by April 8, 2024.  No late entries will be accepted.  Before submitting your entry, please review your application with your principal to refine ideas and make sure that other district resources are not available for your project. If your request requires facility changes, please see the application for necessary details.

Once the submission window for entries is closed, the Links to Learning committee will review your application with your Principal and the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, and will notify all applicants of their funding decision by April 29, 2024.

We will evaluate based on:
- Innovative and educational nature
- Curriculum enhancement potential
- Budget reasonableness
- Direct impact on students

The innovative and educational nature of grants is an important focus. What is the connection to the strategic plan? In most grant cycles, we are here to help you pilot new ideas that might be implemented by the district in the rest of your grade or school if they are successful. In our current cycle, we are open to the supply needs of an entire grade level or team, and will be flexible when considering a larger group application

Should you have any questions on the Links to Learning program, please email Amy Hoopis at
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Email *
Untitled Title
Applicant's Name(s) *
Name of Program, Project, or Item *
Grade and/or Subject *
1.  Description: Provide a detailed description of the desired program, project, or item. (Please include instructional goals and objective outcomes, duration, the estimated number of students participating, and vendor information where applicable.) *
2.  Needs/Rationale: Provide an explanation of the need and rationale for the program, project, or item you seek. (You may include any current educational research, trends in improvement, applicability toward goals, state or national goals for education, and/or applicable District 103 student learning outcomes.) *
3.  Success Metrics: How will you evaluate the success of this program, project, or item? (State who will evaluate and what qualitative & quantitative instruments will be used; i.e. survey, interview, log, pre/post test, or data collection that will serve as documentation for your program, project, or item.) *
4. Total Dollar Amount Requested: *
5. Requested Amount Detail: Provide an itemized list of the total cost of your program, project, or item. Links to spreadsheets or wishlists are also encouraged. Include any obtained quotes, a detailed list of all materials, and ALL shipping & handling charges, postage, and extras, if applicable. Pictures and/or links to product info are very helpful to us. *
6. If facility modifications are needed, has your request been reviewed by both the Principal and the Director of Facilities to validate cost and viability? Please include cost estimates and installation plans, and confirmation from Facilities of their approval. Diagrams or photos are appreciated to help us understand the proposed changes. Links to documents and plans are appreciated if applicable.
7. Additional Information:  Please provide any other information or comments you feel may further help us to evaluate your application. For example, is this a phased project? Please let us know your overall plans and budget expectations for a project with multiple phases.
8. Has your request has been reviewed by the school principal for approval and confirmation that no budget exists for these items? 
9. Past L2L Grants Received: If you have ever been awarded a grant, please provide the year and dollar amount received.
Thank you!
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