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Tech Training at The Digitech Lab
We offer a comprehensive 6-month in-person training program, hands-on experience through our service hub | workshops and linkages to the job market to equip individuals with the skills they need to succeed in the ever-evolving IT landscape. The package after enrollment include internet access, Laptop,free space for personal development and one-on-one catch up session with instructors.

The program is delivered in two phases:

Software Engineering Fundamentals (Mandatory)
Specialization in your chosen field)

Note: We do not offer Accommodation
Name *
Full Name
Email *
Phone number *
Briefly describe your educational background in technology (if any). *
Do you have any prior work experience in the IT field? (Yes/No) *
If yes, please specify your experience briefly.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your interest in our Tech Training Program?  
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