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Rhayader Running Club Couch to 5km sign up
If you're ready to challenge yourself to get fitter, our couch to 5km course is right up your street!
Our trained leaders will take you through the NHS C25K app over 9 weeks from 4th September to 6th November with a week off for half term. The course finishes on Friday 8th November with a celebration evening.
We will meet on Wednesday evenings at 6pm at Rhayader Leisure Centre. 
Looking forward to meeting you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your NAME? *
Please provide the NAME of your emergency contact person *
Your emergency contact person's PHONE NUMBER
(We will not keep the personal details you have given us after the 9 week course.)
By signing up for this Rhayader Running Club C25K course you are making a commitment to turn up each week and to do some running and walking yourself outside of the C25K weekly session.
It is your responsibility to:
- ensure that you are well enough to undertake this exercise. If you are unsure about this please consult your GP or health care professional before signing up.
- keep yourself and others safe by following instructions given by our trained leaders, wearing appropriate clothing and taking care on the road.
- and finally to enjoy working towards your 5km goal!
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