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basketballscotland Equality Monitoring for Applicants
basketballscotland is committed to upholding the principles of equality in all aspects of our work. We audit and monitor our activities regularly, and take appropriate steps if it appears that our commitment to equality is not being delivered effectively.

We regularly collect data on the profile of our staff (paid and unpaid), coaches, officials, board, members and participants in terms of equality. As part of this, we aim to ensure that all job applicants are treated fairly regardless of age, race, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or belief.

This work is being carried out as part of our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and as part of our commitment to the Equality Standard for Sport. Without this data, it will not be possible to identify any current areas of under-representation or potential inequalities, and as such, it will make it much more difficult for us to tackle these issues.

All information gathered from this form will be confidential and anonymous.

Any information captured will be stored, accessed and utilised in line with GDPR

This is an Anonymous Form so please ensure you complete it only once.

If you have any questions then you may talk in confidence to Colin Gregor on 07850 708233
Thank you very much for helping us in our equality work.

Colin Gregor, Head of Operations

Protected Characteristics
The form is created to collect information on the Protected Characteristics of Equity and Diversity.

Age; Disability; Gender reassignment; Marriage; Pregnancy; Race: Religion or belief; Sex; Sexual orientation;
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