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[Open Call/Video] 13 Fruitcakes  
We are inviting you to submit video works (2 min length) that can creatively address the life of 13 historical

In case you haven't read -
1. Submission Requirement : (PDF)
2. References about the 13 Historical Figures : (PDF)
: Your work has to be made as a creative response to the references in this document.

** No FEE to apply
** This open call welcomes ALL gender identities.
** Submission Deadline: April 20, 2019.

Contact Info:

Please fill out the following to submit your work. Thank you!

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Name *
Choice of historic figure *
2 minute submission video (URL) *
1) Please provide a working URL (Vimeo, Youtube, Dropbox, etc.) of your work. 2) If it’s password protected, provide a password to the contact email. 3) Please title your work with HistoricFigure’sName_YourName  (ex: GertrudeStein_YourName)
Three sentences to explain why you want to be part of this project *
Link to your portfolio / other works available online (Optional)
Residential area *
(e.g., - Brooklyn, NY)
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