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ECS4Alabama Summer 2021 PD Registration (for teachers who have never had Exploring Computer Science [ECS] Professional Development)
This form captures preferences for Professional Development (PD) on ECS for Summer 2021 for teachers new to ECS.  There are two options for the PD week for you to choose from: June 21-25 and July 19-23, 2021. The PD will be offered virtually both weeks.
First Name *
Last Name *
School Name *
Email (Please provide an email address that you can access over summer) *
Cell # *
School Address *
Home Address (needed for mailing PD materials over the summer) *
What is your area of teaching certification? *
Which week of ECS training do you prefer (both virtual)? *
What will be the schedule of your ECS course at your school? *
Is there a computer lab with internet access available for this course? *
Will your classroom or computer lab have a student/laptop or chromebook ratio of 1:1? *
If there are other CS courses taught at your school, please list them below.
There is another program known as "PACS" which provides training, in-person or virtual, on AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP). Would you perhaps be interested in receiving training on AP CSP instead of ECS? The AP CSP training will take place June 21-25, 2021. (we do recommend that if your school does not offer any CS courses that you receive training on ECS this summer and consider AP CSP training next year). *
Thank you for your time! If you have any comments, please leave them here.
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