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2025 Application: Kaua‘i Kaukau 4 Keiki
Mahalo for your interest in signing up for the 2025 Kaukau 4 Keiki Kaua‘i meal box program. Please read through the details of the program and our FAQ at before completing this form.

Eligible keiki are 18 and under (or up to 22 y.o. with a disability and enrolled in HIDOE school).

FOR BOX PICKUP - If recipient is living in one of the eligible towns: Anahola, ʻEleʻele, Hanapēpē, Kapa‘a, Kaumakani, Kekaha, Kōloa, Lawa‘i, Līhu‘e, Po‘ipū, Wailua, and Waimea - no additional paperwork is required

DELIVERY & NON-ELIGIBLE TOWNS: For box delivery, or pickup by residents in non-eligible towns (Hanalei, Hā‘ena, Wainiha, Princeville, Kīlauea, and Kalāheo), parents must submit verification of income qualification - a copy of your SNAP or Free/reduced meal letter. Verification documents must be sent to

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