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Real Farmer Care Self-Care Survey
Through a collaboration between Real Farmer Care and American Farmland Trust, we are seeking to expand self-care support for farmers and ranchers. To learn more, see our Oct 21st 2024 Press Release.

Self-care is generally defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, particularly during periods of stress. Research shows that higher levels of self-care play a pivotal role in healthier lives and improved longevity. As levels of burnout continue to increase in farmers and ranchers, especially those with marginalized identities, initiatives that financially support farmers and ranchers in taking time to recharge are essential. If interested in learning more about applying for a $100 self-care award, visit

Please fill out this anonymous survey to help us better understand, develop, and offer the most needed self-care support for farmers and ranchers.

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Are you or have you ever been a farmer, rancher, and/or farm worker? *
Farm Location *
Total Farm Acres *
Total Acres Cultivated *
Do any of the following growing practices apply? Check all that apply. *
What form of self-care do you typically engage in? (If none, indicate n/a):
From the list of Mental Support Care options, which are or would be the most important to your well-being as a farmer or rancher (select more than one and all that apply): *
Online Talk Therapy
Meditation Instruction
Mindfulness/Stress-Reduction Classes or Apps
Mental Support Care
From the list of Body Repair Care options, which are or would be the most important to your well-being as a farmer or rancher (select more than one and all that apply): *
Deep-tissue Massage
Body Repair Care
From the list of Body Fitness Care options, which are or would be the most important to your well-being as a farmer or rancher (select more than one and all that apply): *
Gym Membership
Body Fitness Care
From the list of Community Support Care options, which are or would be the most important to your well-being as a farmer or rancher (select more than one and all that apply): *
Group Wellness Retreats
Farming/Ranching Knowledge and Support Exchange Program
In-Kind Product Donations, such as seeds, tools, work clothing, footwear, etc.
Community Support Care
If you answered 'Other' to any of the Care lists above, please describe what those are:
As a farmer or rancher, what does support look like to you? Please describe.
How often do you typically engage in a form of self-care?
How often would you like to engage in a form of self-care?
How often do you think other farmers and ranchers practice a form of self-care?
What do you think are the barriers to practicing self-care as a farmer or rancher?
As a farmer or rancher, would you prefer to receive self-care support as on-going access to Real Farmer Care programming (such as free online therapy), a direct monetary award of $100 or $500, or both types of support?
If a direct monetary award, how would you use a $100 self-care award to meet your self-care needs?:
If a direct monetary award, how would you use a $500 self-care award to meet your self-care needs?:
Do you qualify as a historically underserved producer as defined by the USDA? *
How old are you? *
To which gender identity do you most identify? *
Which racial and ethnic category best describes you? *
How do you describe your sexual orientation or sexual identity? *
Thank you for your answers! Your voice matters and your responses will be helpful in developing self-care support programming for farmers and ranchers. 

Would you like to keep in touch with Real Farmer Care and learn about future self-care programing support? If yes, please provide email address below.
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