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Parents' Association Survey: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at UNIS
172 responses
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Name (Optional, but please enter Family Name, Given Name, i.e. Muffuh, Cynthia)
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Child's School (TH, MS, JS, Queens)
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Grade (Please enter according to UNIS convention, e.g., J3, M1, TH3, etc.)
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Email (optional, but helpful for follow up)
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Race (Please mark the category that best describes your oldest child's identity)  *We acknowledge that these categories are socially constructed and vary depending on the geographic context
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If you listed "Multiracial/Biracial," or "Not Listed," above,  or if you consider your child as a Third Culture Kid, please elaborate below...
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Country of Birth
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Primary Language(s) Spoken at Home
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How satisfied are you with the diversity of the UNIS curriculum?
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Please use this space to elaborate further on your response about curriculum.
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How satisfied are you with the student/family diversity at UNIS?
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How satisfied are you with the faculty/staff diversity at UNIS?
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What actions would you support to diversify UNIS' student body, faculty and/or staff?
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Please use this space to elaborate further on any of your responses about Diversity.
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How satisfied are you about how welcoming UNIS feels for your child?
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How satisfied are you abut how welcoming UNIS is for you and your family?
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How satisfied are you that your child feels fully included and that they feel that they belong at UNIS?
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Has your child been involved in any incidents involving microaggressions at UNIS?
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Please use this space to elaborate further on any of your responses about Inclusion.
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How PHYSICALLY safe does your child feel at UNIS?
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How EMOTIONALLY safe does your child feel at UNIS?
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Has your child been involved in any incidents involving bullying, harassment or discrimination at UNIS?
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If your child has experienced any form of bullying, harassment, or discrimination, where did it occur?
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How satisfied are you about how UNIS Staff/Administration handle issues of bullying, harassment or discrimination?
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Do you know what to do if your child experiences bullying, harassment or discrimination?
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Please use this space to elaborate further on any of your responses about Safety.
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How does UNIS' climate for diversity, equity and inclusion compare to other schools you have experienced as a parent/guardian or as a student?
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Would your child or family benefit from being part of an identity-based affinity group? If so, for which affinity group? (e.g. 3rd Culture Kids, LGBTQ, Black, AAPI etc )
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What support services do you or your child need that you/they think are not currently being provided?
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Please share what factors made you choose UNIS initially for your child/ren.
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What factors would cause you to keep your child at UNIS until they graduate 12th grade and what factors, if any, would cause you to move your child to another school?
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Please feel free to share any other thoughts (including feedback on the survey itself). Thank you for your time in completing this survey.
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