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Student survey of online/hybrid Mathematics course experiences
The Mathematics Department wants to learn about your experiences with online mathematics (MTH) courses  during Fall 2020. The success of our students is our highest priority, and with this survey, we would like you to give honest feedback on a variety of issues, so that we can improve and give you the best learning experience possible.

Please fill out this survey if you (1) are currently taking a mathematics (MTH) course during Fall 2020 semester and (2) that course is being offered in a fully-online or hybrid format. Note that the majority of MTH courses are currently online or hybrid; if you are not sure about your course's format, ask your instructor.

This survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, although you may spend as much time with it as you wish. Your responses will be anonymous and all responses will be read. Your input will be taken into account to make changes and improvements and to address systemic issues with our course offerings.

Please complete the survey no later than **5:00pm EDT on Sunday, November 1**. Once you complete the survey, you'll be given a link to another form where you can enter your name and email into a drawing for a $20 Amazon gift card as a token of our thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. (Submitting this information is completely optional.)

**IF ADAPTING THIS SURVEY FOR USE IN YOUR DEPARTMENT OR INSTITUTION:** This survey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license:

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(Optional) Your first major:
(Optional) Your second major (skip this if you aren't double-majoring):
(Optional) Your student classification by credit hours:
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