Who's using Tink?
Tink has gained wide adoption within Google, but we’d really like to know how other people and organizations are deploying our cryptographic libraries.

If you're using Tink at work or in your personal projects, please complete this quick survey. We're interested in all use cases—especially on cloud and mobile.

We're committed to supporting our community, so it’s really helpful to hear how Tink is being used and what you’d like to see from us.

Thanks so much!
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Your name:
Your email (if you'd like us to contact you):
Your company (if applicable):
Which Tink libraries are you using?
Which platforms are you using Tink on?
How do you manage keys?
Are there any areas we can improve?
Which languages should Tink support in the future?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
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