Compositions - Peer Editing
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Your name (Reviewer's Name) *
(person reading the composition)
Your writing partner's name *
(author of the composition)
Title of the composition you are reviewing *
(title of your partner's composition; you can help edit this too)
Which sentence did you like the best in the composition? *
Write the sentence in the space below.
Why did you choose this sentence? *
Tell how the sentence impacted you as you read it. How did the sentence enhance the composition?
What part of the composition did you like the best? Tell why. *
What part of the composition struck you most favorably? Was it the way a sentence was written? Did the author create a mood? Was it an exceptional piece of writing? Did the author use specific vocabulary that painted a picture for you?
Do the ideas or events follow in logical order? *
As you read the composition, is there a resonable order of events? Do events flow?
If you think there is any sentence(s) that should be omitted because it doesn't seem to fit or belong, paste that sentence below *
If there is no sentence(s) that you feel should be omitted, type "None" below.
If you answered "yes" to the previous question, tell why you think the sentence should be omitted.
Be sure to state reasons for your opinion and give a clear, specific answer.
What mood did the composition create? *
As you read the composition, what mood or tone did you think the author was trying to convey to the reader? You can add a category in the bottom box labeled "other."
Give the author one or two suggestions for improving his/her composition. Explain you answer. *
This might be an idea you would add, a part you would change, or a part you would leave out. It may be dialogue you think should be added. It could even be a different ending or beginning. Perhaps you'd like to suggest some stronger sentences. Discuss your opinions with your partner.
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