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Turn Autism Around Podcast Listener Survey
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Which best describes you? *
How old is your child/clients with autism (or signs of autism)? *
What is the language ability of your child/clients? *
How many Turn Autism Around podcast episodes have you listened to (out of 95 episodes)? *
Where do you listen? *
What do you do while you listen/watch? *
Which do you prefer? *
What was your favorite podcast episode(s) so far?  (List up to 3) *
What were your top ah ha moments or things you learned from the podcasts or other Turn Autism Around resources? *
What other podcasts (autism and non-autism) do you listen to? *
What do you like about the Turn Autism Around podcast? *
What improvements could be made to make the podcast better? *
Do you have guests we should invite or topics we should we cover in future episodes? *
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Country (Optional)
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