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Taki Plaza地下二階 掲示板利用フォームForm of bulletin boards at Taki Plaza B2F
Taki Plaza地下2階 大階段下にある掲示板を利用するためのフォームです。

This form is for bulletin boards at the B2F of Taki Plaza.
Please read the Caution below.
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注意事項 ※必ずお読みください
・掲示希望者は注意事項を読んだ上で、Google Formに学生団体の情報(団体名・代表者名、連絡先)を入力してください。
・作った掲示物は、Taki Plaza地下二階にあるTPGの居室に持ってきてください。ビラを入れるためのポストを居室に設置しています。フォームの記入後、提出してください。


・Only flyers and posters about events of student groups and individuals are allowed to post.
・If you would like to post some flyers, please read this caution, and fill in some information of student groups which you are in to the next page.( Name of Groups, representatives and contact addresses.)
・Bring flyers and posters you made for TPG’s room on the B2F of Taki Plaza. We install the box to post flyers. Post them after filling google form.
・Flyers and posters are within A4 sizes(210mm×297mm, W×H), and one paper is permitted to be put into for each group. Please include descriptions written in English and other languages as you can.
・Make a description of your group name within your flyers and posters.
・Flyers and posters on which the date of each event be over will be disposed of by TPG.
・Flyers and posters will be boarded based on the confirmation of TPG. In some cases, we have to discuss with student support division and determine to post. Please recognize it.
・All year round flyers and posters will be removed as soon as bulletin boards are filled, starting with the oldest ones.

If you have any questions, contact us by E-mail or SNS.

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