BiasedLawPLLC Attorney Test
This test is required to be taken by all potential attorneys for BiasedLawPLLC. Ensure you have fully read the KarmaCourt Constitution before proceeding, or you will fail (maybe).
What is your reddit username? *
Just enter your fucking username... If you fail this question, you are barred from joining our firm
What are the main duties of the Bailiff/Borliff? *
What should one never do whilst is KarmaCourt (select any that apply)? *
Who are the Justices (Provide a brief explanation using your own words)? *
(Fill in the Blank)Article VI Subsection __ states the following: A defendant may not be tried for the same crime once they have been acquitted. *
What court member's job is to start a Trial Thread? *
How many questions have you answered so far? (This question included, as you'll have answered this one when you select an answer) *
True or False: Defense always makes their opening statement first. *
How much do you hate this quiz? *
How much do you hate this quiz?????? *
True or False: a 2 day period must be given to the Prosecution after a dismissal is request in order to give them a chance to argue. *
This isn't a question. There is no correct answer. Pick a color, any color: *
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