YouthBuild Tools Needed
The Rochester community has been SO generous, providing both lovingly used tools for our training shop, as well as NEW tools that we present to each cohort/participant upon graduation from our YouthBuild program.

Thanks to your generosity, we are currently able to equip our cohorts with all the used tools required for their training. However, you can still help each graduate get a good start on their new trade!

Upon graduation, we hope to equip each graduate with new tools for their first construction job.  Each cohort enrolls between 8 and 24 members, and we launch about 4 cohorts a year - so, your help is always timely and significantly supportive!

If you are able to help us, please fill out the form below. Donations may be dropped at our 87 North Clinton Avenue location and by calling (585) 546-7220 x4601.

Thank you so much for your outpouring of support, Rochester!
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We would greatly appreciate Visa or Home Depot gift cards, in any denomination, to help us purchase a toolbox and starter set for every student to receive at graduation. Other needed items include: *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
How do you prefer to be contacted? *
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