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Complete the form below and I will be in touch with you ASAP!!! There will be options for your hair type (curly, wavy, straight), along with a customized routine + how to handle your HAIR! EVERY part of your routine put together just for you to help with those everyday styles to preventing those bad hair days you just don’t need.

I’ll be back to you 24-48 hours! Until then, have fun + hope your day is so beautiful + wonderful, just like you!

Dolly ☺️xx
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Pop your name + contact down below! *
What is your preferred way of contact? *
Describe your hair type a bit so I can get to know you!
What do you struggle with the most with your hair? *
What does your hair regimen look like right now?
Have you ever used naturally based hair products before? *
Select all that apply *
What is your hair texture like? *
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