Unit 3 Quiz
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English Class Time *
1.  What does the family realize about Zlateh by the end of the story? *
2.  What is the mood of the poem "The Black Snake"? *
3.  Which sentences best represents the theme of the story "How a Cat Played Robinson Crusoe"? *
4.  Remember how Aaron had to obey his father and set off to sell Zlateh in "Zlateh the Goat"?  He did not like his father's decision, but he did not argue.  He respected his father's instructions.  How is this similar to Doris's behavior in "Stray"? *
5.  What point of view is "Lone Dog" written in?  For example, the first line of "Lone Dog" says, "I'm a lean dog, a keen dog, a wild dog, and lone." *
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