Grant Request Form
PO Box 401, Somers, NY 10589
Telephone : (914) 277-2400    Fax : (914) 277-2409
Name (Primary Contact) *
Your answer
Position  *
Your answer
Date *
School/Grade Level *
Your answer
Telephone *
Your answer
Email *
Your answer
Project Name/ Proposal *
Your answer
Overall Cost *
Your answer
This project and grant proposal was developed in partnership with (name other colleagues, peers, supervisors, community members, students, etc. involved in the proposal) *
Your answer
Please fill out the Grant Request Form completely.  Include any information in support of the grant-including links, pictures, diagrams, tec. that may aid the committee when considering your grant.

Proposals will not be considered without the signatures of the Principal and the Assistant Superintendent for Learning and/or The Director of Innovations in Learning.

Applicant's Name
Your answer
Grant Name
Your answer
1.  Describe your Project.  Include materials you will need and the methods you will use.
Your answer
2.  What is the main need or gap this project addresses?  Include why you think it is important and how it enhances the overall educational programs in the Somers Central School District.
Your answer
3.  Give a timeline for implementation
Your answer
4.  Approximately how many students will be affected by this project? Please explain how.
Your answer
5.  How many teachers will be affected? Please explain how.
Your answer
6.  Was funding for this project ever requested from SEF before? If so, was it approved?
Your answer
7.  Have any other funding sources been considered?  If so, please explain
Your answer
8.  How will you determine whether your objectives have been achieved and whether your project has been successful?
Your answer
9. Other Comments
Your answer
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