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Jean McLarty Award
 The Jean McLarty Volunteer Service Award recognizes an OFSHEEA member who has demonstrated outstanding volunteerism to the OFSHEEA organization. The recipient of this award has shown consistent commitment to volunteer involvement in the association for a minimum of ten years. Jean is a long time member of OFSHEEA, who taught Home Economics in Etobicoke, and has educated our members about the history of the association in her role as our archivist. The award was first presented in 2003, in recognition of her commitment to OFSHEEA.
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Name of Nominee
Email of Nominee
Name of Nominator
Email of Nominator
School board at which the nominee is employed 
School and city at which the nominee teaches
How many years has the candidate been a member of OFSHEEA Board of Directors?
How many years has the candidate been a member of OFSHEEA's Executive Committee on the Board of Directors, if applicable?
How many years has the candidate contributed to the OFSHEEA conference or workshops?
How many years has the candidate been a committee chair and/or committee member?
How many years has the candidate regularly contributed to the OFSHEEA newsletter/email blasts/ website?
Are there any other reasons or comments that you believe would be useful to the Awards committee?  Please use the space below.
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