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Destiny 2 Order a Character / Account - BlazingBoost
Here you can fill our the survey for Order a Character/Order Account service. We will create a new account with your desired data, earn what you desire, and give you access to the account. Therefore, there is no account sharing on your main account.

Once you have filled the survey our team will go over your request and contact you with the ETA & Price list.

We created this service because:
- some players want to try a new guardian out or simply want a fresh start
- they do not have time to grind it
- they do not want to account share
- they have some time for Sherpa/Selfplay services but it may not be sufficient for a quick gearing experience

Therefore, we have created this system! Our price quote will include the game costs too.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Discord Tag *
Your Email Address
How many guardians do you want to gear up?
What is the Race you would like your Guardian to be?
What is the Class you would like your Guardian to be? Selet more if you want more guardians, of course.
What is the Power level you wish to have on your Guardian/s?
Do you have any specific Weapon, Armor, Seal, or Exotic that you wish to have with your character/account?
Thank you for filling out the Survey! Please expect a response within a working day.
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