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Constable's Neighborhood Security Patrol Survey
Please help us decide the feasibility of implementing a security patrol service in our neighborhood to improve our safety and security, as well as that of all of our neighbors.

The Security Patrol would be staffed by Constable Alan Rosen's peace officers, who are licensed in the State of Texas, and would not be a commercial, private security service.
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Perceptions Regarding Greater Good *
Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Decreasing crime and increasing security in the neighborhood is something that benefits everyone in our neighborhood?
Types of Increasing Crime *
Of the following crimes that are occurring in our neighborhood, which ones are you aware are increasing?
Perception of Safety and Security *
From January 2013 to the present, what is your perception of safety and security in the neighborhood?
Smart Policing Analytics *
As part of the Constable's Patrol, the Constable's Office tracks and analyzes crime data in the neighborhood in an effort to try to anticipate and prevent crime. How valuable is this service to you?
Smart Policing Resource Allocation *
As part of the Constable's Patrol, the Constable's Office tracks and analyzes crime data in the neighborhood to determine the optimum times and locations to assign officers to best decrease crime in the neighborhood. How valuable is this service to you?
Vacation Service *
As part of the Constable's Patrol, each household subscribing to the Patrol receives "vacation service," which enhances the security provided to a subscribing household whenever you notify the Constable's Patrol that you will be away from the house. How valuable is this feature of the Constable's Patrol to you?
Direct Response Number *
As part of the Constable's Patrol, each household subscribing receives a "direct response" telephone number. This enables each subscribing household to reach the dispatcher directly and significantly shortens the response time to an emergency call. How valuable is this feature of the Constable's Patrol to you?
Direct Alarm Response *
As part of the Constable's Patrol, each household subscribing can give its alarm monitoring service the "direct response" telephone number. This reduces response time to an alarm to approximately 2-3 minutes for subscribing households. How valuable is this feature of the Constable's Patrol to you?
Annual Cost Of Service *
The Constable's Patrol service has a cost. This cost is directly related to several factors, including the number of households subscribing, the hours that patrol service is provided and the number of officers assigned to the neighborhood. Knowing this, how much would your household be willing to pay per year to subscribe to the Constable's Patrol service and receive the benefits noted above?
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