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NerdCon 2024 Feedback Form

Thank you for attending NerdCon 2024! As a student run convention, we are looking for feedback to make next year's convention experience even better. 

Thank you and we hope to see you again next year!

(Please note that there is a separate feedback form for people who vended at NerdCon) 

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How did you hear about NerdCon 2024? (Select all that apply) *

Why did you decide to attend NerdCon 2024? (Select all that apply)


What events/activities did you participate in at NerdCon 2024? (Select all that apply)

What was your favorite part about NerdCon 2024? 
(Can select more then 1)
Are there any other events you feel should be included at future NerdCons? 
How would you rate your overall experience at NerdCon 2024?   *

Were the locations of events/activities easy to locate? 


If you answered 'no' to the previous question, how could we more effectively communicate the location of our events/activities?

Was the schedule of events/activates easy to locate and understand? 

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If you answered 'no' to the previous question, how could we more effectively communicate the schedule of events/activates and/or make the schedule easier to understand?

Were the room layouts effective for the purpose of the room? *
If you answered 'no' to the previous question, how could we more effectively structure the rooms in order to make moving through the space easier?
Any other comments / feedback you would like to share in order to make NerdCon 2025 better?
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