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Submission of Complaint
The submission of a complaint is a serious issue which could cause irreparable harm should the allegations prove to be false or unfounded. You are therefore urged to take all possible action to resolve the situation through direct communication between yourself and the member or organisation whose behaviour you believe to be improper. Should your attempts at resolution fail, or if you are unable to communicate directly, then COMENSA will investigate your complaint according to the prescribed procedures. Once you have submitted a complaint, you are requested to honour the confidentiality of the process until all investigations are finalised.
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Email *
Date of Submission of complaint: *
Name of Complainant:
Company: (if applicable)
Membership Number: (if applicable)
Contact Details: Landline/ Mobile
Name of Member/Organisation against whom the complaint is submitted:
Contact Details: Landline/ Mobile
Please outline the nature of the complaint:
Note: Please include details of the alleged incident or transgression, the date on which it occurred or the time period involved, as well as details of any witnesses who may be able to corroborate your submission. Also outline details of who, or what, you believe may have been harmed and whether or not the behaviour was deliberate or unintended (in your opinion) Do you consider this to be an ethics, professional conduct or a governance issue?  
Have you spoken directly to the Member regarding this complaint
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If ‘Yes’, what was the outcome?
If ‘No’ why not?
If known, please state the clause/es of the COMENSA Code of Ethics which has/have allegedly been breached
What remedy would resolve your complaint?
Is this complaint the subject of legal proceedings? If so, please provide details
Is there any other information which you feel may be relevant to this matter?
Listing of attached documentation
 Digitally signed: (Please add your name) *
Signed at: *
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