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Sign Up Form - Math Olympiad
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Dear Parent,  

This is the sign up form for Country Lane Math Olympiad Team. The Math Olympiad is for Grades 4 and 5.  

--MOEMS - the organization that runs Math Olympiad- is a worldwide organization and every year about 120K students from 39 countries participate in Math Olympiad. it aims to develop a love for math and improve problem solving skills . 

-- Math Olympiad consists of 5 monthly contests between Nov. and March (each test consisting of five questions).

--The contests will be held in person at Country Lane

-- The current plan is to have these tests on the SECOND TUESDAY of each month. (We will accommodate any conflict due to any major holidays)

-- The test will be held prior to school ( Proposed 7:30 AM - 8:25 AM, stay tuned for minor adjustments)

Please answer to following questions to sign up your child for Math Olympiad. If you have questions or concerns, please email

Name of Child (First Name Last Name) *
What Grade is your child in? *
Child's classroom number *
Parent's Email Address for further notifications *
This year, we are planning to have practice sessions  to help kids prep for the monthly contests and provide them with an opportunity to socialize with peers who have a similar interest. These sessions will be held every other week. Will your child be interested in attending these sessions? 
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If Yes, what time would you prefer?
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