Shipping as... Creativity
Thanks for filling this out! Please keep in mind that I'm really looking specifically through the lens of shipping, and how your feelings about characters' potential relationships to each other, are a focus and/or outlet for creativity. Thanks!
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May I quote you directly? *
If I may quote you, how should I name you? *
"Anonymous" is fine, as is an Internet name or a real name. If you do not wish to be quoted, you can type "N/A." Also, if on any question below you would prefer to be anonymous, please state so at the opening of your answer.
What types of fanworks do you create?
Please limit to those fanworks that have a direct connection to shipping.
What types of fanworks do you enjoy consuming/viewing/reading?
Please limit to those fanworks that have a direct connection to shipping.
How does shipping enhance your creativity?
How does viewing fanworks by others enhance your creativity?
What are you able to do creatively with shipping and fanworks that you cannot do with "original" creative works?
What is your response to the idea that those with creative inclinations should work from their own characters and worlds rather than appropriating another's?
Please keep your response civil. I know this is a heated topic.
Is there anything about shipping, or the shipping community, that limits you as an artist, creator, or consumer?
How would you characterize the community surrounding fanworks?
If you have also created non-fan creative works, can you compare the two communities? Those who read/consume are also welcome to compare the two communities.
What are the major problems you see within and surrounding shipping and fanworks?
Anything else you would like to add about shipping as creativity?
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